Monday, September 20, 2010

A11 – Playing Notes by Image Processing

Would it be just the coolest thing if you'd be able to play a song using just its music sheet and scilab? Well its possible! :D

In this activity, we will be playing notes in scilab using the image processing techniques we have learned so far.

The music sheet that I chose is Jingle Bells (I know..I know... I'm just so excited for Christmas. Aren't you?).

Figure 1: Music sheet of Jingle Bells

Given the music sheet above, we find the location of the notes (notes present: whole, half and quarter note) using the imcorrcoef() function.

These are the templates that I used:

These are the locations of the notes:

half notes:

found in 1st line of music sheet

found in 2nd line of music sheet

found in 3rd line of music sheet

whole notes:

found in 1st line of music sheet

found in 3rd line of music sheet

quarter notes:

found in 1st line of music sheet

found in 2nd line of music sheet

found in 3rd line of music sheet

With the use of correlation, we are able to locate the respective notes in the sub-images of the music sheet. The next thing to do would be to know the location of each note on the staff for us to identify its pitch.

For assigning the pitch of the notes we need the frequencies of each pitch:

C = 261.63 Hz;
D = 293.66 Hz;
E = 329.63 Hz;
G = 392.00 Hz;
F = 349.23 Hz;

and assign the time for which each note will be playing:

quarternote: 0.25 sec
halfnote: 0.5 sec
wholenote: 1 sec


I would like to give my self a grade of 5/10 for this activity since I wasn't able to play the notes but was able to locate the notes in the music sheet. :(

Frequencies of the pitches came from this site:

other reference:
186 handouts for activity 11

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